Tag Archives: courage

The art of self-awareness and being honest with yourself

Be honest with yourself








Being honest with yourself can take courage. If you know that you’re continually doing something that you shouldn’t and do nothing about it is the soft way out. What is the overriding factor the keeps you doing something that you shouldn’t? Is it easy to keep going down a path travelled so many times?

The art of self-awareness can have such a positive impact on your life if you choose to take stock of who you really are and be honest with yourself and with others. Even the littlest lie can come back and bite you on the bum more than you ever thought possible.

I’m not perfect but after reading about Cliff Burton from Metallica (bass player that died in ’86), I’m going to be more honest with myself. The guy had a clear understanding of the art of self-awareness because he was too honest with himself and others. No matter what he did or said, he would tell the truth with no concern for the outcome because deep down only honesty existed.

Take a good hard look at yourself and be honest. Is everything really the way should be or could things be improved? Only you know the answers.

Being honest with yourself – could bring more to life than you ever thought possible.