Tag Archives: Melbourne CBD

The art of self-awareness and smoking



Why would you do this?


The art of self-awareness and smoking… read on.

I’m not going to lie. I used to smoke when I was a teenager and a young adult (at 40, I’m still a young adult). It used to go hand in hand with the party scene I was in.

Then one day I realised smoking just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. Feeling like shit after a big night and then having a cigarette in the morning was like smoking an atom bomb.

Now I’m sitting in a cafe in the Melbourne CBD. I’m so glad that with the art of self-awareness I was able to give the habit up. Why? Because as a non-smoker now, there is nothing worse than having cigarette smoke blown in your face by someone who couldn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.

So not only is smoking bad for one’s health, it also frustrates the hell out of the healthy people sitting near the smoker.

I like heavy metal. Actually, I love heavy metal. The heavier the better. How would a smoker like it if I came up and blasted out a few tunes whilst they were trying to have a coffee? I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t like it.

Smoking – the sooner they make illegal the freaking better the world will be.