Tag Archives: continually improving

The art of self-awareness and me

Different pt1

That’s the side of a building in Southbank in case you were wondering. It was on the way in to meeting Liss in the city on Friday. There were a few lightbulb moments that afternoon and want to share them with you.

With the art of self-awareness, the last few weeks have being transforming. Turning 40 has been one of the best things ever!

There’s been so much that I’ve let go of. And it’s true when they say, the more you can let go, the more you can let in. Plus the extra energy that flows from letting go is electrifying… (you’d better shape up – can’t you just hear the song in your head?)

Taking an interest in what makes me tick and continually improving my game is way awesome. It’s what I want to do for myself. SELFISH! Hell yes! The more I continually improve, the more I can help others do the same.

Whether learning online for the SEO guru, getting it done or doing whatever, I’m now living for the moment and making the most of each second. It’s amazing how much time I used to waste focusing on crap thoughts. There, I said it. No hiding from what it was.

Today, it’s the simple things in life like MC Hammer’s song that can make for very cool moments. Watching it took me back to when I was in high school. They were rocking days. And do you know what? They still are rocking days!

I’ve also received some inspiring messages and that gives me a massive buzz! It keeps the energy flow going and makes life more colourful. Just try helping someone without expecting anything from it. That’s where the real buzz is!!! I get excited when I’m blogging now because they are having a positive affect on the world.

That’s awesome as shit! (A quote from the movie Hot Rod).

And I’m sorry I had to make this post about me. We both know you will love it because you’re one of the ones that appreciates it and for that, you are a Rockstar!

If you are one of the people that like the blog, thank you! Horns in the air



Top Gun – the art of movie-awarenesss

Target is locked

One of the coolest 80s movies

I wanted to be “Maverick” out of Top Gun when I was 14. That movie struck a chord with me as a teenager. There was something about being in a F-14 Tomcat going at Mach 2.0 (that’s pretty darn quick) just so I can make the sausage sandwiches on deck before the bbq ends. There certainly was no art of self-awareness going on then.

And I wanted to buzz the tower! Top Gun buzzed my tower when I was a school kid. The amount of times I watched it as a teenager was staggering. I still remember the first time I saw it at Grafton Saraton Theatre. This place…

Going to the movies

A walk down yester-year…

It’s pretty cool watching a movie from the 80s. Where I wanted to go in life as a kid may be vastly different to where I am going in life now but one factor remains constant. How I’m going to get to where I’m headed!

Back in the 80s it was all about learning and having fun. If I wasn’t at school in the 80s, I was having fun doing pretty much whatever I wanted. So now I’m learning again, and also having fun when not at “school”. My movie-awareness reminds me to keep going for my goals and have fun – 80s style!

Arcade style

I was an 80s kid

Whatever way your art of self-awareness, make sure it’s done the fun way. There’s no need to get down about the past because it only remains as a movie. Use your movie-awareness to learn from the past, make the most of the moment and have the rest of the movie continually improving as you play it in your head.

Self-awareness is not just about self

What’s up people!

It’s a gorgeous Monday evening in sunny Melbourne and I’m on the couch with my girl and kids absolutely loving life. Why wouldn’t I when I’m continually improving the art of self-awareness?! Life is truly transforming as my relationship with myself is on the up and up, always looking to tweak the little things that can make big differences.

With that statement, I got thinking about what I’m doing here and realised over the weekend that the art of self-awareness is not just about self. Remember, I’m not someone who has been formally educated in this arena. I’m merely someone who has read a heap of books on self-improvement and lived for a few years getting to know myself. Moving on…

Over the weekend I had to take note that looking deep within is one thing. Looking outside and interacting with others is another. Why continually improve on the inside if I can’t be good on the outside? It’s almost like being the Buddha with a bad attitude towards others. Not that I have a bad attitude – poorly worded Craig. More that I need to be just as mindful with how I interact with others as much as I interact with myself.

The ability to be self-aware of others has always been something I’ve been mindful but now that I’m taking a deeper dive into my own reality, I’m starting to get a new outlook on what goes on around with the people in my life. And it’s pretty cool to see that I’m starting to have a positive impact.

Anyway, that’s my thoughts for today. I’m loving this journey and love sharing it with you. Hope you do to.

On the road to awesomeness!

The act of insanity

It’s one thing to write about self-awareness but it’s something entirely different on utilising it. For some time now (years) I’ve had a bad relationship with alcohol. It’s been a vice that thankfully hasn’t done any severe damage in my life but there have been times when I’d become someone I’m normally not.

The last couple of days I’ve drank more than I should and acted in manners that have been, let’s say, less than positive. Again, nothing that puts me as a person of ‘high-risk’. Just acting like a douche that clearly hasn’t got the capability to think straight. Acting out like this on a regular basis, saying I want to fix it and never seeing it through – that is the act of insanity.

And that’s why I’m putting my thoughts down today because it’s time I took my own medicine. If I’m going to write about the art of self-awareness and only use it to improve certain aspects of my life and not change the things that really need changing, then I’m very flawed in my approach to the whole game.

I’m not afraid to put myself out there and tell the world how I’m feeling. There’s no hiding behind four walls and being scared that someone may not like what I say. The act of continually improving my art of self-awareness is exactly that – for myself. Writing my thoughts down have helped over the past few days. Helped in ways I hadn’t for-seen. There’s a greater calmness starting to take affect. I’m happier in general. I think about any given situation with much more thought before acting and the outcomes for most part have amazing.

So moving forward, booze and I are no longer dating. I’ll call “her” up when I’m ready to see her and not the other way around. This post has been very therapeutic. Love it!

On the path to awesomeness…


Keeping the focus

Peeps! Happy Friday to you all.

It was a strange beginning to the day after the gym this morning. Absolutely tore it up with my session and felt like I’d really put in. On the way home my mind went into weird mode and a “blah” feeling came over me. My girl and dogs were happy to see me when I got home as they always are in the morning. The day is superb outside yet in my head there was some “stinkin’ thinkin'” going on.

The dogs were keen to go for a walk so we got prepared and we walked with my girl on her way to work. She left us to our own adventure and we continued on our way. And yet my mind was still not in the right place.

We arrived home and for the last few days I’ve been pumped to get in front of the laptop and make my morning video on the art of self-awareness. This morning I wasn’t so pumped. Then something cool happened. I found my resolve to not give in to the “blah” feeling.

What occurred then was almost like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Continually improving my self-awareness journey without giving in turned my mood around massively. I have a brilliant day ahead of me and now that my mind, thanks again to self-awareness, has kicked into an extremely positive mode… I AM READY TO GET IT ON!

Have a smashing day and see you on the road to awesomeness!