Tag Archives: positive

Adapting to the art of self-awareness

adapting  present participle of a·dapt (Verb)

  1. Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
  2. Become adjusted to new conditions.

Become adjusted to new conditions. That’s what adapting to the art of self-awareness is all about!

Imagine if you start thinking about the past and the next thing you know you’re so caught up back then because it’s something in your life that you’re hung up on, that you don’t get time to live in the moment. Adjusting is something you have to do when you’re self-aware or you’ll continue to hold yourself back.

It's a beautiful thing

Caught doing the same thing over, knowing that it has to change… like not eating healthy 6 out of 7 days of the week. You know it’d be great for your noggin’ and that thing that moves you around – your body. But not adapting to healthy eating habits when you know you should is not really self-aware.

When you’re conditioned for so long, finding the art of self-awareness lessons in your life will never be properly learned unless you adapt to the new way of doing things. They say it takes at least 21 days to learn a new habit. (I’m doing something for 365 days!) So trying to eat healthy for 1.5 weeks out of 3 isn’t going to cut the mustard. That is not adapting.

If you’re going to take the time to check your self-awareness, then go the whole way and do something positive with it. You’ll love yourself for it.

Keeping the focus

Peeps! Happy Friday to you all.

It was a strange beginning to the day after the gym this morning. Absolutely tore it up with my session and felt like I’d really put in. On the way home my mind went into weird mode and a “blah” feeling came over me. My girl and dogs were happy to see me when I got home as they always are in the morning. The day is superb outside yet in my head there was some “stinkin’ thinkin'” going on.

The dogs were keen to go for a walk so we got prepared and we walked with my girl on her way to work. She left us to our own adventure and we continued on our way. And yet my mind was still not in the right place.

We arrived home and for the last few days I’ve been pumped to get in front of the laptop and make my morning video on the art of self-awareness. This morning I wasn’t so pumped. Then something cool happened. I found my resolve to not give in to the “blah” feeling.

What occurred then was almost like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Continually improving my self-awareness journey without giving in turned my mood around massively. I have a brilliant day ahead of me and now that my mind, thanks again to self-awareness, has kicked into an extremely positive mode… I AM READY TO GET IT ON!

Have a smashing day and see you on the road to awesomeness!